(TW)My Mum Passed Away

I think I mentioned in my last blog that my Mum was battling cancer.

It took her last week. I am lost. I am numb. I am angry.

I dont believe she should have been taken when she was. She was poorly on the Friday. I noticed her breathing seemed strained so I told my Dad who took her to the doctors. According to my Mum, she was fine. She always was…no matter what. Her response would always be “Im fine”. The doctors tested her oxygen levels and found them slightly low so sent them to the hospital.

The hospital let my Mum go home the following day, with oxygen. Lots of oxygen! I couldnt understand how or why they let her go when they have kept her longer for far less! It didnt and still doesnt make any sense!

We didnt realise how seriously low her oxygen was until the drive home. When my Dad was informed the portable oxygen will only last 38 minutes. It was a good job my sister had taken two tanks! My mum was not allowed to leave until the oxygen had arrived at their home for my sister to get to the hospital with the portable one. My sister didnt realise the seriousness either as she wondered how and why so much equipment was being delivered. We have had no experience, so thought it was normal.

We found out my mum was on level 12 oxygen. Again, we didnt realise how high that was. Not until we found the tanks at home only went to 15. Again…we didnt think it was that bad as my Mum was fine on the friday, just slightly breathless. On the friday in the hospital she wasnt on that much of a high dose of oxygen!

I am going to have to stop there. I will continue later on.

Frizz. The Never Ending Battle!

I am slowly coming to the realisation that the frizz will always defeat me. No matter which products, or how many I use. It will always be there, mocking my attempts at controlling it.

I am trying to accept that the frizz is here to stay, but I keep having a glimmer of hope. So the battle continues!

I find there are times my hair looks somewhat frizz free. I feel like I have finally cracked it and won the battle. Then I see my hair in a different mirror and it’s like a different head of hair! Frizz, everywhere!

Do you find that your hair can look amazing in one mirror, yet another mirror displays a frizz bomb?

I am at the point of where I try and just go with it. Sometimes I try and bypass any mirrors so that I dont feel that frustration. I dont think I will be doing that again though…

I used a butter cream the other day. Hoping moisture would tame it a little. It did, I suppose… but it also made the top of my hair feel flat, and my locks looking extremely greasy. I didn’t realise how bad my hair looked until I had got home that night. Oh the shame.

The battle continues…

I’m not sure what is more stubborn…me or my hair!

Progress with Curly Girl Method!

This was about one week into doing the curly girl. I had done nothing to it other than let it dry. Not even so much as a scrunch. Yes…it is a mess!


One to two weeks after the previous photo. The curls are forming. I have scrunched, diffused a little and then air dried.



I think it is safe to say that the Curly Girl Method does work. Hopefully my hair continues to improve as the weeks go by